The Crew Team pre-season organizational meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 10 at 7:00 PM at the HS Internet Café (area at the top of the Forum). This meeting is mandatory for all rowers and at least one parent.  Prior to the meeting you will be receiving information for registering your rower with the U.S. Rowing Association, so please be on the lookout for that information. I will be forwarding an agenda for the meeting and a digital copy of the GDS Rowing Handbook prior to the meeting.

In addition, we are in the final stages of planning for the spring break trip to Camp Bob Cooper in South Carolina. We are planning on leaving school at 12:00 (noon) on Friday, March 20, 2015 and will be returning to school late Tuesday, March 24, 2015. We will be traveling by chartered bus and will be staying in cabins at Camp Bob Cooper. Our coaches will be attending the camp. All meals will be provided while at the camp (please let me know in advance of dietary restrictions so we can make appropriate arrangements). We will have the opportunity to row several times per day and everyone (novice and new to rowing rowers included) are strongly encouraged to attend. This is a fabulous opportunity to get a jump on spring training and work on technique. We will have final costs determinations and information on need based scholarships available by next week. We estimate the cost at approximately $500 per rower. We need to know AS SOON AS possible the number of rowers committed to going on this trip so we can finalize plans. Please let me know by no later than Friday, January 30th whether your rower is committed to attending this trip.

I can be reached at 202-904-4025 with questions in addition to the email address below.

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